DTE Kerala LET Syllabus 2024 & Exam Pattern

DTE Kerala LET Syllabus

DTE Kerala LET Syllabus 2024 & Exam Pattern: To get accurate information about the DTE Kerala LET Syllabus 2024, applied aspirants need to check the following sections on this page. Moreover, the latest Kerala LET Syllabus 2024 can be downloaded in PDF format through the direct link provided below. The officials of the Directorate of Technical Education, Kerala is organizing an Entrance Exam to provide admission to B.Tech Lateral Entry Course.

So the candidates who want to clear the DTE Kerala LET 2024 must know the necessary details regarding the DTE Kerala LET Syllabus 2024. In addition to this, we also provided the DTE Kerala LET Exam Pattern to know the question paper pattern. Applicants can save this Exam Pattern and Syllabus by downloading the DTE Kerala LET Syllabus 2024 PDF from the end of the article.

DTE Kerala LET Syllabus 2024 – Overview

DTE Kerala LET Syllabus & Exam Pattern PDF Download
Organization Name Directorate of Technical Education, Kerala
Exam Name B.Tech Lateral Entrance Test
Category Entrance Exam Syllabus
Purpose of Exam To Provide Admissions Into B.Tech Lateral Entry Course For Academic Year 2024-24
Official Site dtekerala.gov.in
LET Admission Portal admissions.dtekerala.gov.in

DTE Kerala LET Exam Pattern 2024

Candidates will answer in OMR sheets for DTE Kerala LET 2024. The Entrance Exam contains 2 parts, Part A for B.Tech Candidates, and Part B for B.Sc Stream Students. The DTE Kerala LET 2024 will be held for 120 marks. Each question carries 3 marks and one mark will be deducted for every wrong answer. Applicants will be provided 2 hours to complete the DTE Kerala LET 2024. Aspirants can check the Subjects with their respective marks in the following DTE Kerala LET Exam Pattern tables.

B.Tech Stream

Subject Name Marks Duration
Mathematics 20 2 hours
Engineering Mechanics 15
IT and Computer Science 15
Civil Engineering 15
Mechanical Engineering 15
Electrical Engineering 15
Electronics and Communication Engineering 15
English 10
Total 120 Marks

B.Sc Stream

Subject Name Marks Duration
Mathematics 40 2 hours
Physics 30
Chemistry 20
IT and Computer Science 15
English 15
Total  120 Marks

Kerala LET 2024 Syllabus – Subject Wise

For the sake of candidates, we provided the Sub Topics that are very important for the DTE Kerala LET 2024. Based on these Sub Topics the questions will be asked in the Kerala LET 2024. so aspirants need to prepare each topic in the DTE Kerala LET syllabus 2024 to answer all questions in the Entrance Exam.  Use the following link to download the DTE Kerala LET Syllabus 2024 PDF.


Modules Topics
Module 1
  • Single Variable Calculus and Infinite series, Basic ideas of infinite series and convergence
  • Geometric series, Harmonic series, Convergence tests, comparison, ratio, root tests
  • Alternating series, Leibnitz Test, Absolute convergence
  • Maclaurins series, Taylor series, radius of convergence
Module 2
  • Partial derivatives and its applications
  • Partial derivatives of functions of more than two variables
  • Higher order partial derivatives, differentiability
  • Differentials and local linearity
  • Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables
  • Extreme value theorem relative extrema
Module 3
  • Calculus of vector valued functions
  • Introduction to vector valued functions, parametric curves in 3-space
  • Limits and continuity, derivatives, tangent lines, derivative of dot and cross product
  • Definite integrals of vector valued functions, unit tangent, acceleration and speed
  • Normal and tangential components of acceleration
  • Directional derivatives and gradients-tangent planes and normal vectors
Module 4
  • Multiple integrals, Double integrals, Evaluation of double integrals
  • Double integrals in nonrectangular coordinates reversing the order of integration
  • Area calculated as a double integral
  • Triple integrals (Cartesian co-ordinates only), volume calculated as a triple integral
Module 5
  • Topics in vector calculus
  • Vector and scalar fields, Gradient fields
  • conservative fields and potential functions
  • Line integrals, work as a line integral
  • Independence of path conservative vector field
Module 6
  • Topics in vector calculus
  • Green’s Theorem, surface integrals
  • Divergence Theorem, Stokes’ Theorem

Engineering Mechanics

Modules  Topics
Module 1 Statics: Fundamental concepts and laws of mechanics – Rigid body – Principle of transmissibility of forces. Coplanar force systems – Moment of force – Principle of moments. Resultant of force and couple system. Equilibrium of rigid body – Free body diagram – Conditions of equilibrium in two dimensions – Two force and three force members.
Module 2 Types of supports – problems involving point loads and uniformly distributed loads only.  Force systems in space – Degree of freedom – Free body diagram – Equations of equilibrium – Simple resultant and Equilibrium problems.
Module 3 Properties of planar surfaces – Centroid and second moment of area – Parallel and perpendicular axis theorem – Centroid and Moment of Inertia of composite area. Polar Moment of Inertia – Radious of gyration – Mass moment of Inertia of cylinder and thin disc. Product of Inertia – Principle Moment Of Inertia. Theorems of Pappus and Guldinus.
Module 4 Friction – Characteristics of dry friction – Problems involving friction of ladder, wedges and connected bodies. Definition of work and virtual work – Principle of virtual work for a system of connection bodies – problems of determinate beams only.
Module 5 Dynamics: Rectangular and Cylindrical co-ordinate system.

Combined motion of rotation and translation – Concepts of instantaneous centre – Motion of connecting rod of piston and crank of reciprocating pump.

Rectilinear translation – Newton’s second law – D’Alembert’s Principle – Application to connected bodies.

Module 6 Mechanical vibrations – free and forced vibrations – degree of freedom.

Simple and harmonic motion – Spring-mass model – Period – Stiffness – Frequency – Simple numerical problems of single degree of freedom.

IT and Computer Science

Modules  Topics
Module 1
  • Introduction to digital computer – Von Neumann  concept
  • A  simple model  of computer,  acquisition  of data, storage of data, processing of data, output of processed  data
  • Details of functional units of a computer
  • Storage – primary storage and secondary  storag
  • Introduction to programming  languages, types  of  programming languages
  • System software, Operating  systems
Module 2
  • Problem Solving strategies, Problem analysis, formal definition of problem
  • Solution top down design breaking a problem into sub problems
  • Overview of the solution to the sub problems by writing step by step procedure (algorithm)
  • Representation of procedure by flowchart
  • Implementation of algorithms, use of procedures to achieve modularity
Module 3
  • Introduction to Python
Module 4
  • Functions, calling functions, type conversion and coercion,  composition  of functions
  • Mathematical  functions, user-defined  functions, parameters  and arguments
Module 5
  • Strings and lists – string traversal and comparison with examples
  • Tuples and dictionaries – operations and examples 
Module 6
  • Files and exceptions – text files, directories
  • Introduction to classes and objects – attributes, instances

Civil Engineering

Modules Topics
Module 1
  • General introduction to Civil Engineering
  • History of civil Engineering
  • Relevance of civil Engineering in the overall infrastructural development of the country
  • Types and classification of structures – buildings, towers, chimneys, bridges, dams, retaining walls, water tanks, silos, roads, railways, runways and pipelines
  • Definition and types of buildings as per National Building Code of India
  • Selection of site-Components of a building and their functions- setting out of a building
Module 2
  • Stones: Classification of stones-Qualities of good building stones-Quarrying-Dressing-TestsSpecifications-Uses of common building stones
  • Bricks: Composition of good brick earth – Classification-Qualities of good bricks –Field and laboratory tests-specifications
  • Tiles: Classification-Manufacture-properties-Tests-Specifications
Module 3
  • Cement: Basic Ingredients- Manufacturing process- Grades- Properties-Tests Specifications
  • Aggregates: Fine and coarse aggregate- Properties – uses-Tests
  • Cement Mortar: Types and preparation
Module 4
  • Stone Masonry: Types-Details of Ashlars, Random Rubble, Coarse Rubble and Dry Rubble Masonry
  • Brick Masonry: Types – Bond-Introduction to all types of Bonds – English bond in detail  – Comparison of stone and brick masonry
Module 5
  • Timber : Properties-Uses-Classification-Seasoning-Defects-Preservation-Tests
  • Hard board and particle board –Manufacture and use
  • Steel: structural steel and steel as reinforcement- Types- Properties-Uses – Market forms
Module 6
  • Floors and Flooring materials: Different types and selection of floors and floor coverings
  • Roofs and roof coverings: Different types of roofs, Suitability, Types and selection of roofing materials

Mechanical Engineering

Modules Topics
Module 1
  • Thermodynamics: Nature and scope of thermodynamics; basic concept
  • Laws of Thermodynamics, Discovery Significance and Applications
  • Qualitative ideas on Entropy, Available Energy ,Irreversibility, Principle of increase of Entropy& Carnot engine
  • Limitations of Thermodynamics; Source of power; history of power production; power production in the future
Module 2
  • Thermal Engineering
  • Historical development of steam engine ,steam turbines, gas turbines and hydraulic turbines
  • Principle of turbomachinary; History of IC engines; two stroke and four stroke engines-working, applications
  • Air compressors-types and uses
  • Principles of Rocket propulsion, chemical rockets, Indian space programme
Module 3
  • Refrigeration and air conditioning
  • History & Scope of refrigeration; applications of refrigeration
  • Food preservation, refrigerated storage; applications in chemical and process industries; special applications; Air conditioning
  • Principles & system; scope of air conditioning
  • Psychometric properties of air; Human comfort standards
Module 4
  • Automobiles & Aeronautical Engineering
  • Introduction to an Automobile; history of the automobile; Indian automobiles
  • Types of automobiles; Major components and their functions
  • Manufactures of motor vehicles in India
  • Fundamentals of aerodynamics; drag force and lift force; jet engines types and applications
Module 5
  • Engineering and Materials
  • Introduction and history of materials
  • Basic crystallography; metals, alloys composites, ceramic, polymers; mechanical properties and testing of engineering materials
Module 6
  • Manufacturing Engineering: Methods of manufacturing; casting, forging, rolling extrusion; machining operations-turning, milling, drilling, grinding, shaping, planning
  • Joining operations- soldering, brazing& welding
  • Introduction to CNC machines; examples of typical products manufactured by above methods

Electrical Engineering

Modules Topics
Module 1 Fundamental Concepts of Circuit Elements and Circuit variables: Electromotive force, potential and voltage. Resistors, Capacitors Inductors- terminal V-I relations. Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday’s laws, I Lenz’s law, statically and dynamically induced EMF, self and mutual inductance, coupling coefficient-energy stored in inductance. Real and Ideal independent voltage and current sources, V-I relations. Passive sign convention.
Module 2 Basic Circuit Laws: Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws, analysis of resistive circuits-mesh analysis super mesh analysis. Node analysis-super node analysis, star delta transformation.
Module 3 Magnetic Circuits: Magneto motive force, flux, reluctance, permeability -comparison of electric and magnetic circuits, analysis of series magnetic circuits. Parallel magnetic circuits, magnetic circuits with air-gaps.
Module 4 Alternating current fundamentals:-Generation of Alternating voltages-waveforms, Frequency, Period, RMS and average values, peak factor and form factor of periodic waveforms and composite waveforms.  Phasor Concepts, Complex representation (exponential, polar and rectangular forms) of sinusoidal voltages and currents phasor diagrams. Complex impedance – series and parallel impedances and admittances, Phasor analysis of RL, RC, RLC circuits.
Module 5 Complex Power: Concept of Power factor: active, reactive and apparent power.

Resonance in series and parallel circuits

Energy, bandwidth and quality factor, variation of impedance and admittance in series and parallel resonant circuits.

Module 6 Three phase systems: Star and delta connections, three-phase three wires and three- 2 phase four-wire systems. Analysis of balanced and unbalanced star and delta connected loads. Power in three-phase circuits. Active and Reactive power measurement by one, two, and three wattmeter methods.

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Modules Topics
Module 1 Evolution of electronics, impact of electronics in industry and in society. Resistors Capacitors: Types, Specifications, Standard values, marking colour coding Inductors and Transformers: Types, Specifications, and Principles of working. Electro mechanical components: relays and contactors.
Module 2 Diodes: Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, PN junction diode, barrier potential, V-I characteristics, Effect of temperature. Equivalent circuit of a diode. Piece wise linear model.

Specification parameters of diodes and numbering.

Zener diode, Varactor diodes, characteristics, working principle of LED, photo diode, solar cell.

Module 3 Bipolar Junction Transistors: Structure, typical doping, Principle of operation, concept of different configurations. Detailed study of input and output characteristics of common base and common emitter configuration, current gain, comparison of three configurations. Concept of load line and operating point. Need for biasing and stabilization, voltage divider biasing, Transistor as amplifier, switch, RC coupled amplifier and frequency response. Specification parameters of transistors and type numbering
Module 4 Junction Field Effect Transistors: Structure, principle of operation, characteristics, comparison with BJT. MOSFET: Structure, principle of operation of Enhancement type MOSFET, Current voltage characteristics, Depletion-type MOSFET. Principle of operation of Photo transistor, UJT, SCR
Module 5 Diode circuits and power supplies: Series and parallel diode circuits, Clippers, Clampers, Voltage multipliers. Half-wave and full wave (including bridge) rectifiers, Derivation of  Vrms, Vdc, ripple factor, peak inverse voltage, rectification efficiency in each case, capacitor filter, working and design of a simple Zener voltage regulator. Block diagram description of a DC Power supply, Principle of SMPS.
Module 6 Electronic Measurements and measuring Instruments. Generalized performance parameters of instruments: error, accuracy, sensitivity, precision and resolution. Principle and block diagram of analog and digital multimeter, Block diagram of CRO, Measurements using CRO, Lissajous patterns, Principle and block diagram of DSO, function generator. Testing of Electronic components.


Subect Topics
For BTech For English, out of the 10 marks to be awarded, 5 marks will be for questions based on a given passage and remaining 5 marks for basic Grammar and General English of  plus 2 standards.
For BSc Vocabulary Building , The concept of Word Formation,  Root words from foreign languages and their use in English,  Acquaintance with prefixes and suffixes from foreign languages in English to form derivatives. Synonyms, antonyms, and standard abbreviations. Basic Writing Skills,  Sentence Structures,  Use of phrases and clauses in sentences,  Importance of proper punctuation, Creating coherence, Organizing principles of paragraphs in documents,  Techniques for writing precisely  Identifying common errors in writing,  Subject-verb agreement,  Noun-pronoun agreement, Misplaced modifiers, Articles Prepositions, Redundancies, Clichés, Nature and Style of sensible writing, Describing , Defining, Classifying,  Providing examples or evidence, Writing introduction and conclusion.

Syllabus For B.Sc

Modules Topics
Module 1 Harmonic Oscillations: Differential equation of damped harmonic oscillation, forced harmonic oscillation and their solutions -Resonance, Qfactor, Sharpness of resonance-LCR circuit as an electrical analogue of mechanical Oscillator.

Waves: One dimensional waves-Differential equation& its solution. Transverse vibration of stretched string.

Module 2 Interference: Coherence, Interference in thin films and wedge shaped films (Reflected System), Newtons rings-measurement of wavelength and refractive index of liquid interference filters. Antireflection coating.

Diffraction Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction. Fraunhofer diffraction at single slit. Plane transmission grating. Grating equation-measurement of wavelength , Rayleigh’s criterion for resolution of grating-Resolving power and dispersive power of grating.

Module 3 Polarization of Light: Types of polarized light .Double refraction. Nicol Prism. Quarter wave plate and half wave plate, production and detection of circularly and elliptically polarized light. Induced birefringence-Kerr Cell-Polaroid & applications.

Super conductivity: Superconducting phenomena. Meissen effect. Type-I and Type II superconductors. BCS theory. High temperature super conductors-Application of super conductors.

Module 4 Quantum Mechanics: Uncertainty principle and its applications-formulation of Time dependent and Time dependent Schrodinger equations-physical meaning of wave function-Energy and momentum Operators-Eigen values functions-One dimensional infinite square well potential. Quantum mechanical Tunneling.

Statistical Mechanics: Microstates and Microstates. Phase space.Basic postulates of MaxwellBoltzmann. Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Femi Diarc statistics. Distribution equation in the three cases. Femi Level and its significance.

Module 5 Acoustics: Intensity of sound-Loudness-Absorption coefficient-Reverberation and reverberation time-Significance of reverberation time-Sabine’s formula-Factors affecting acoustics of a building.

Ultrasonic’s: Production of Ultrasonic waves- Magnetostriction effect and Piezoelectic effect- Magnetostrictionj oscillator and Piezoelectric oscillator-Detection of ultrasonic’s-Thermal and piezoelectric methods-Applications of ultrasonics – -NDT and medical.

Module 6 Laser: properties of lasers, absorption, spontaneous and stimulated emissions, population inversion, Einstein’s coefficients, Working principle of laser, Optical resonant cavity. Ruby Laser, Helium-Neon Laser, Semiconductor  Laser, Application of Laser, holography (recording and reconstruction).

Photonics: Basics of solid state lighting-LED-Photo detectors-photo voltaic cell, junction & avalanche photo diodes, photo transistors, thermal; detectors, Solar cells-I-V characteristicsOptic fiber-Principle of propagation-numerical aperture-optic communication system-Industrial, medical and technological applications of optical fiber. Fiber optic sensors-Basics of Intensity modulated and phase modulated sensors.

Modules Topics
Module 1 Spectroscopy: Introduction, Beer Lamberts Law.

UV-visible spectroscopy – Principle, Instrumentation and application.

IR spectroscopy- Principle and application.

HNMR spectroscopy-Principle, chemical shift-spin-spin splitting and application including MRI, Spectral Problems.

Module 2 Electrochemistry: Different types of of electrodes, SHE, Calomel  electrodes, Glass electrode Electrochemical series and its applications.

Nernst equation – Derivation, application & numericals.  Potentiometric titration – Acid-base and redox titration Lithium ion cell and Fuel cell.

Module 3 Instrumental Methods: Thermal analysis – Principle, instrumentation and applications of TGA and DTA

Chromatographic methods – Basic principles, column, TLC. Instrumentation and principles of GC and HPLC.

Conductivity – Measurement of conductivity

Module 4 Chemistry of Engineering Materials: Copolymers – BS, ABS -Structure and Properties.

Conducting Polymers – Polyaniline, Polypyrrole – Preparation, Structure and Properties.

OLED – An introduction

Advanced Polymers – Kevlar, Polybutadiene rubber and silicone rubber: Preparation, Structure and Properties.

Nanomaterials – Definition, Classification, chemical methods preparation- hydrolysis and reduction

Properties and Applications – Carbon Nano Tubes and fullerenes.  

Module 5 Fuels and Lubricants: Fuels – Calorific Value, HCV and LCV – Determination of calorific value of a solid and liquid fuel by Bomb calorimeter – Dulong’s formula and Numerical.  Liquid fuel – Petrol and Diesel – Octane number & Cetane number

Biodiesel – Natural gas.

Lubricant – Introduction, solid, semisolid and liquid lubricants.

Properties of lubricants – Viscosity Index, Flash point, Fire point, Cloud point, Pour point and Aniline point.

Module 6 Water Technology: Types of hardness, Units of hardness, Estimation of Hardness – EDTA method.

Water softening methods – Ion exchange process – Principle. Polymer ion exchange.  Reverse Osmosis – Disinfection method by chlorination and UV  Dissolved oxygen, BOD and COD.

Sewage water Treatment – Trickling Filter and UASB process.


DTE Kerala LET Syllabus – Important Link
To download the DTE Kerala LET Syllabus 2024 PDF with Exam Pattern Click Here

All candidates can download the DTE Kerala LET Syllabus 2024 in PDF format from the above-attached link.  Keep visiting our page @ Exams.Freshersnow.Com for the latest updates.

DTE Kerala LET Syllabus 2024 – Frequently Asked Questions

For how many marks, will the DTE Kerala LET 2024 be conducted?

DTE Kerala LET 2024 will be conducted for 120 marks.

Is there any negative marking in the Kerela LET 2024?

Yes, one mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.

How many sections or parts will be there in DTE Kerala LET 2024?

There will be 2 parts, Part A for B.Tech Candidates, and Part B for B.Sc Stream Students.

Where can I download the DTE Kerala LET Syllabus 2024?

All aspirants can download the DTE Kerala LET Syllabus 2024 in PDF format on our page @ Exams.Freshershow.com or from the official site @ admissions.dtekerala.gov.in.