Top 7 Safest Countries in the World

Explore Top 7 Safest Countries in the World from this Story, Check Out! 

Iceland stands out as one of the world's safest nations, offering a secure living environment due to its minimal occurrence of natural disasters and virtually nonexistent crime rate.


Denmark is often highlighted as among the world's safest countries, boasting a low crime rate and a mere 127 reported homicides in the year 2018.


Ireland retains its position as the third-safest country globally, with a mere 33 recorded homicides in 2018 and a low occurrence of violent crime.


New Zealand's reputation as a secure living environment is attributed to various factors, including its low crime rate and its comparatively small population.

New Zealand

Living in Austria offers a notably secure environment. The country experiences minimal crime, with rare occurrences of property crimes and a scarcity of violent incidents.


Singapore is renowned as the safest nation in Asia, primarily due to its low crime rate, a result of its stringent criminal laws and severe penalties.


Portugal is famous for its captivating landscapes and serene ambiance. Notably, the country has recently captured attention for its emphasis on safety.


In the realm of safety, these top seven countries exemplify the importance of effective governance and societal harmony. Their low crime rates and secure environments serve as global models for a safer future.