Top 10 Tips to Overcome Maths Fear

Before delving into more advanced mathematical topics, it is crucial to establish a strong understanding of the fundamental concepts in mathematics.

Begin with Basics

Discover your preferred learning style, whether it involves reading, listening, or engaging in hands-on activities. Experiment with various methods until you identify the one that suits you best.

Identify Your Preferred Learning Style

Consistent practice is essential for improving comprehension of math concepts and developing proficiency in problem-solving.

Continuous Practice

Feel free to reach out for assistance from your teacher, tutor, or friends whenever you face challenges understanding a specific concept.

Seek Teachers' Help

Be confident in your abilities and have faith that you can succeed in comprehending math. Refuse to let fear hinder your progress.


Enhance your understanding of math by relating it to real-world applications, recognizing its relevance in everyday activities such as shopping, cooking, or playing games

Connect Real-world Ā Applications

Infuse enjoyment into your math learning routine by integrating games, puzzles, or online resources.

Enjoy Learning

To improve your understanding of math significantly, seek a dependable math textbook or utilize online resources that provide clear and concise explanations.

Utilise Online Resources

Enhance your grasp of complex math concepts by visualizing them through drawings or diagrams, as they can make the ideas easier to understand.


Perseverance is essential. Never give up when faced with a challenging topic. Continuously practice and learn to overcome obstacles.

Don't Give Up