6 Popular Career Options Which Don't Require To Be A Topper!

Please, don't misconstrue our message. While achieving good grades is commendable, we hold a firm belief that intelligence should not be solely measured by grades. Feel free to tap and explore these career possibilities!

Career Options which don’t Require one to be a Topper 

Fashion and lifestyle stand as one of the most sought-after career avenues. Immersion in the fashion industry equips individuals with the essential foundation.

Fashion and Lifestyle 

Many universities do not have a high cut-off for mass communication. Exposing practical information will retain more credibility than theory.

Mass Communication 

If you possess strong IT skills, contemplating an ethical hacking course could be a valuable choice. Embarking on a career in ethical hacking can prove both captivating and fulfilling.

Ethical Hacking

Students can cultivate these skills, allowing them to possess the highly sought-after expertise, through the utilization of various applications and online tools.


Many universities have introduced these courses, and some of them have garnered recognition as valuable and fulfilling opportunities.

Offbeat Career Fields 

Students who excel in sports have numerous opportunities available to them, and there are endless avenues to transform any sport into a thriving career.

Sports Career