Capitalizing on the mornings is significant, given the high productivity attributed to students during this time. Here, we introduce five essential morning practices that every student should embrace!
When you make your bed as soon as you wake up, it symbolizes your readiness to embrace the new day ahead, fostering a sense of responsibility for your duties and generating a feeling of inner satisfaction.
Develop the habit of showing gratitude for the blessings in your life. Take five to ten minutes after making your bed to acknowledge and appreciate these blessings.
Research suggests that students who practice morning meditation exhibit increased productivity, leading to enhanced focus and expanded memory capacity.
In the morning, it's advisable to keep all electronic devices out of the bedroom. Engaging with your phone during this time can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety.
Establish the practice of having breakfast daily, ensuring that you select a natural source of vitamins along with maintaining a well-balanced diet.