7 Ways To Keep Your Child Interested in Studies

Parents can explore innovative study techniques, such as employing flashcards or utilizing online educational videos to explain subjects. This approach can capture the child's interest effectively.

Experiment & Innovate Ways

Whenever they have a test or exam, sit down with them and create a study schedule. This conveys the message that their parent is genuinely committed to their educational journey.

Plan a Schedule

In today's age of technology, one of the significant distractions comes from gadgets. A strategy is to abstain from using your phone during their designated study hours.

Reduce Distractions

If your child is studying for extended periods, it's beneficial to suggest taking brief breaks, like a 15-minute interval after each hour. This practice aids them in acquiring the skill of managing their schedule effectively.

Encourage them to take Short Breaks

Engage your children in extracurricular activities they enjoy, allocating at least an hour. This approach will leave them refreshed and in a positive frame of mind for their studies.

Do Not Overburden

Design a workspace that boasts ample illumination and includes vibrant pens, compact notebooks, and decorative post-its.

Create a workspace for  your Child

Frequently show appreciation and offer compliments to children for each correct response they provide. Similarly, acknowledge their effort even if their answers are incorrect.

Compliment them

To cultivate their interest in studies, you can also engage in discussions with them about their day.

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