7 Ways to Improve Your Memory

Having a sharp memory is highly essential for students. There are instances when you memorize an answer, but during the exam, everything becomes disorganized. This situation can arise due to a lack of focus.


Numerous efficient techniques are available to enhance your memory. Ranging from dietary choices to learning approaches, acquaint yourself with ways to boost your memory.

Ways to Improve Memory​

Scientific evidence indicates that writing can also enhance muscle memory for a concept. Physically jotting down the information ingrains it in our minds and enhances the ability to remember it.

1. Write More​

Engage in groupings of threes, fives, or sevens for learning. Research has demonstrated that arranging information in sets of three, five, or seven can significantly enhance recall capabilities.

2. Learn In Groups

Both mental and physical exercises are crucial for enhancing memory. Studies demonstrate that regular walking significantly contributes to improved cognitive function.

3. ​Exercises​

Nourishing your brain involves maintaining a healthy diet. Incorporate fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, while opting for lean protein sources like fish, beans, and skinless poultry.

4. Eat Healthy

Engaging multiple senses while learning enhances memory retention by involving a greater portion of your brain.

​5. Use your Senses​

Distributing study sessions over time is especially beneficial when you are attempting to grasp and comprehend multiple topics.

6. Spacing Out  

Monitor tasks, appointments, and other events by using a notebook, calendar, or digital planner.

7. Stay Organized