SRMJEEE PG Syllabus 2024 & Exam Pattern PDF Download


SRMJEEE PG Syllabus 2024 & Exam Pattern PDF Download: SRM Institute of Science and Technology released the SRMJEE PG Syllabus 2024 and SRMJEE PG Exam Pattern. So, students who want to get admission into the SRM M.Tech course need to check the SRMJEEE PG Exam Topics and SRMJEEE PG Test Pattern. We have updated you on the details SRM Institute of Science and Technology PG Entrance Exam Syllabus here with the respect to the official note. SRMJEEE PG will be having 100 questions and each question will be given one mark. All the applicants can easily download the SRMJEE PG Syllabus 2024 PDF from the direct link given in the below sections.

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SRMJEEE PG Syllabus 2024 – Details

Name Of The Organization SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Name Of The Examination SRM Joint Engineering Entrance Examination (SRMJEEE) PG
Courses Offered M.Tech
Category  Entrance Exam Syllabus
Official Website


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SRMJEEE PG Exam Pattern 2024

Check the below tabular to check the SRMJEEE PG Exam Pattern 2024.


Exam Details

Mode of Exam Online
Language English
Number Of Questions 100
Marks for the correct answer 1 Mark
Marks for the wrong answer No Negative Marks
Question Pattern Questions will be set at the corresponding degree level

Ten Questions from Mathematics for all PG programs except Bio-Technology and Food Processing

SRMJEEE PG Exam Topics 2024

Civil Engineering

Stream Topics
Civil Engineering Mathematics – (i) Vector calculus (ii) Determinants and Matrices (iii) Analytic function theory (iv) Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations (v) Numerical Methods (vi) Probability and Statistics

Other Topics – (i) Mechanics of Solids and Structural Analysis (ii) Concrete and Steel Structure (iii) Soil Mechanics and Geo-Technical Engineering (iv) Fluid Mechanics and Water Resources Engineering (v) Environmental Engineering (vi) Surveying (vii) Transportation Engineering (viii) Remote Sensing (ix) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (x) Construction and Materials Management

Mechanical Engineering

Stream  Topics
Mechanical Engineering Mathematics – (i) Vector calculus (ii) Determinants and Matrices (iii) Analytic function theory (iv) Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations (v) Numerical Methods (vi) Probability and Statistics.

Other Topics – (i)Mechanics and Machine Design (ii) Material Science and Metallurgy (iii) Thermo dynamics (iv) Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (v) Production Technology (vi) Automotive Engines (vii) Automotive Transmission (viii) Strength of Materials (ix) Casting, metal forming and metal joining processes (x) Tool Engineering, Machine tool operation, Metrology and inspection (xi) Engineering Materials, Processing of Plastics and Computer Aided Manufacturing (xii) Product Design, Process Planning, Cost Estimate, Design of Jigs and Fixtures and Press Tools (xiii) Operations Research. (xiv) Operations Management (xv) Quality Control Reliability and Maintenance.

Electrical Engineering

Stream  Topics
Electrical Engineering Mathematics – (i) Vector calculus (ii) Determinants and Matrices (iii) Analytic function theory (iv) Calculus and ordinary Differential Equations (v) Numerical Methods (vi) Probability and Statistics.

Other Topics – (i) Networks Circuit Elements, Laws and theorems – Resonance – Coupled circuits – AC steady state and Transient Analysis (ii) Devices Energy bands, Charge carriers in semiconductors – semiconductor junctions – semiconductor diodes and its types – transistors – FET – SCR – IGBT – DIAC – TRIAC – UJT – Power supplies (iii) Electronic Circuits Biasing methods and small signal models – Transistor amplifier and analysis – Feedback amplifiers and oscillators – Large signal and tuned amplifiers – Frequency response and wave shaping circuits (iv) Digital Number systems – Boolean algebra – Logic gates – Logic families – Gate level minimization and combinational logic – Synchronous and Asynchronous sequential logic – Memory (v) Microprocessor Intel 8085 microprocessor – Intel 8086/8088 microprocessor – Intel 8031/8051 microcontroller – Programmable interfacing devices – Applications (vi) Control System Transfer function – Mathematical Modeling – Block diagram reduction – Control system components – Transient and steady state analysis – Stability analysis – Frequency domain analysis (vii) Electromagnetics (viii) Electrical Machines (ix) Power Electronics and Solid State Drives & Control (x) Power Systems

Electronics Engineering

Stream  Topics
Electronics Engineering Mathematics – (i) Vector calculus (ii) Determinants and Matrices (iii) Analytic function theory (iv) Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations (v) Numerical Methods (vi) Probability and Statistics.

Other Topics – (i) Networks Circuit Elements, Laws and theorems – Resonance – Coupled circuits – AC steady state and Transient Analysis (ii) Devices Energy bands, Charge carriers in semiconductors – semiconductor junctions – semiconductor diodes and its types – transistors – FET – SCR – IGBT – DIAC – TRIAC – UJT – Power supplies (iii) Electronic Circuits Biasing methods and small signal models – Transistor amplifier and analysis – Feedback amplifiers and oscillators – Large signal and tuned amplifiers – Frequency response and wave shaping circuits (iv) Digital Number systems – Boolean algebra – Logic gates – Logic families – Gate level minimization and combinational logic – Synchronous and Asynchronous sequential logic – Memory (v) Microprocessor Intel 8085 microprocessor – Intel 8086/8088 microprocessor – Intel 8031/ 8051 microcontroller – Programmable interfacing devices – Applications (vi) Control System Transfer function – Mathematical Modeling – Block diagram reduction – Control system components – Transient and steady state analysis – Stability analysis – Frequency domain analysis (vii) Signals and Systems (viii) Communications (analog) (ix) Communications (Digitals) (x) Electromagnetics

Instrumentation Engineering

Stream  Topics
Instrumentation Engineering Mathematics – (i) Vector calculus (ii) Determinants and Matrices (iii) Analytic function theory (iv) Calculus and ordinary Differential Equations (v) Numerical Methods (vi) Probability and Statistics.

Other Topics – (i) Networks Circuit Elements, Laws and theorems – Resonance – Coupled circuits – AC steady state and Transient Analysis (ii) Devices Energy bands, Charge carriers in semiconductors – semiconductor junctions – semiconductor diodes and its types – transistors – FET – SCR – IGBT – DIAC – TRIAC – UJT – Power supplies (iii) Electronic Circuits Biasing methods and small signal models – Transistor amplifier and analysis – Feedback amplifiers and oscillators – Large signal and tuned amplifiers – Frequency response and wave shaping circuits (iv) Digital Number systems – Boolean algebra – Logic gates – Logic families – Gate level minimization and combinational logic – Synchronous and Asynchronous sequential logic – Memory (v) Microprocessor Intel 8085 microprocessor – Intel 8086/8088 microprocessor – Intel 8031/8051 microcontroller – Programmable interfacing devices – Applications (vi) Control System Transfer function – Mathematical Modeling – Block diagram reduction – Control system components – Transient and steady state analysis – Stability analysis – Frequency domain analysis (vii) Transducers and Industrial Instrumentation (viii) Biomedical Instrumentation (ix) Electrical and Electronic measurements and instrumentation (x) Process control.

Computer Science

Stream  Topics
Computer Science Mathematics – (i) Vector calculus (ii) Determinants and Matrices (iii) Analytic function theory (iv) Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations (v) Numerical Methods (vi) Probability and Statistics.

Other Topics – (i) Discrete Mathematical Structures (ii) Micro Processor and Hardware Systems (iii) Computer Organization and Architecture (iv) System Programming including Assemblers, Compilers (v) Operating Systems (vi) Programming Methodology & Software Engineering (vii) Data Structures and Algorithms (viii) Database Systems (ix) Computer Networks.

Chemical Engineering

Stream  Topics
Chemical Engineering Mathematics – (i) Vector calculus (ii) Determinants and Matrices (iii) Analytic function theory (iv) Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations (v) Numerical Methods (vi) Probability and Statistics.

Other Topics – (i) Chemical process calculations (ii) Chemical Process Industries (iii) Mechanical Operations (iv) Fluid Mechanics (v) Heat Transfer (vi) Mass Transfer (vii) Thermodynamics (viii) Chemical Reaction Engineering (ix ) Instrumentation & Control (x) Process Engineering Economics.


Stream  Topics
Biotechnology (i) Cell Structure, Function, (ii) Properties of Nucleic Acids, Protein Synthesis (iii) Gene Manipulation, Transgenic Microbes (iv) Plants and Animals

(v) Metabolism and Bio-Energetics (vi) Gene Regulation (vii) Enzyme Kinetics, Fermentation Process, Production of commercially important enzymes

(viii) Recombinant proteins (ix) Microbial Growth Kinetics (x) Biosaftey, Bioethics and Intellectual Property Rights (xi) Bioconversion (xii) Fermentation Kinetics, Bioreactors (xiii) Genomics and Proteomics (xiv) Computer Applications in Bio-Technology (xv) Nano Biotechnology (xvi) Application of Bio-Technology (xvii) Systems Biotechnology.


Stream  Topics
GIS Mathematics – (i) Vector calculus (ii) Determinants and Matrices (iii) Analytic function theory (iv) Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations (v) Numerical Methods (vi) Probability and Statistics.

Other Topics – (i) Remote sensing: physics of remote sensing (ii) Photogrammetry: Photogrammetry (iii) Surveying: Surveying Techniques (iv) GIS: Terminology (v) Geology: Geological Remote Sensing (vi) Agriculture and forestry, (vii) Environment and disaster studies: EIA (viii) Urban and regional planning: Urban Planning


Stream  Topics
Environmental Mathematics – (i) Vector calculus (ii) Determinants and Matrices (iii) Analytic function theory (iv) Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations (v) Numerical Methods (vi) Probability and Statistics.

Other Topics – (i) Environmental Pollution (ii) Environmental Biotechnology (iii) Thermodynamics (iv) Ecology (v) Environmental Conservation (vi) Water Resources (vii) Ecology and Sustainable Development (viii) Remote Sensing (ix) Energy and Environmental (x) Environmental Impact Assessment (xi) Current Topics in Environmental Sciences (xii) Soil Pollution and Solid Waste Management (xiii) Natural Hazards (xiv) Environmental and Occupational Health

Food Technology

Stream  Topics
Food Technology Bioprocess Engineering: Properties of Vapors and Gases. Energy Balances/ Conservation of Energy; Entropy; Ideal Gas Mixtures and Psychometrics. Steady-state Heat Transfer; One-dimensional Heat Conduction; Heat Transfer through a Composite Wall; Conduction, Forced Convection; Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient; Heat Exchangers; Radiation Heat Transfer. Basic bioprocess engineering and reactor concepts; Stoichiometry, mass, and energy balances; Fluid flow and mixing in bioreactors; Heat transfer in bioprocesses; Mass transfer in bioprocess; Reaction and cell growth kinetics;

Material Science

Stream  Topics
Material Science Mathematics: (i) Vector Calculus (ii) Determinants and Matrices (iii) Analytic function theory (iv) Calculus and ordinary Differential equations (v) Numerical methods (vi) Probability and statistics

Quantum Mechanics, Atomic And Molecular Physics: Black body radiation, photoelectric effect – wave-particle duality of radiation– de-Broglie hypothesis of matter waves – Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle – Schrödinger’s wave equation – physical interpretation of wave function-Eigen-values and Eigen-functions – particle in a box-simple harmonic oscillator-Motion in a central potential-orbital angular momentum–particle in a square-well potential – potential barrier-Spectra of one and many electron atoms-LS and jj coupling – fine structure – spectroscopic terms and selection rules – hyperfine structure – exchange symmetry of wave function –Pauli’s exclusion principle Zeeman and Stark effects- – X-ray – Auger transitions – Compton Effect-basic principles rotational and vibrational spectra of diatomic molecules-electronic transition in diatomic molecules-Franck-Condon principle-Raman effect-NMR-ESR-Nuclear properties and forces– radioactivity – alpha, beta and gamma radiation.

Solid State Physics: Crystal structure, Bravais lattices, and its basis, Miller indices- Crystal symmetry, point group, and space group elements – crystal diffraction and reciprocal lattice-elementary ideas about point defects and dislocations (edge and screw) – Physical Properties of materials – lattice vibrations, phonons – specific heat of solids – thermal and electrical conductivity – Dielectrics behavior – Polarization mechanisms, Clausius-Mossotti equation, Piezo, Pyro, and ferroelectricity- free electron theory of metals- Fermi energy and density of states- -Energy levels in One Dimension, Fermi-Dirac Distribution, Effect of Temperature on the Fermi-Dirac Distribution, free electron Gas in Three Dimension-origin of energy bands- Elements of band theory – Electrons motion in a periodic potential, concept of holes and effective marshall effect- Different types of materials: Metals, Semiconductors, Composite materials, Ceramics, Alloys, Polymers

Lasers: Basic Principle of Laser- Threshold condition-Einstein Coefficients – condition for light amplification – – Line shape function – Optical Resonators -CW operation of laser; Critical pumping rate- Population inversion and photon number in the cavity around threshold; Output coupling of laser power- Optical resonators- Cavity modes- Three level and four level systems. Solid State lasers – Ruby and Nd-YAG Laser – Gas lasers – He-Ne and Co2 lasers – semiconductor lasers – Hetero junction lasers – Liquid Dye lasers – Q switching and mode-locking. Application of laser in industry-Medical applications -Holography – Theory of recording and reconstruction – application of Holography

Electricity And Magnetism: Electrostatics; Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s law and its applications, Laplace and Poisson equations, boundary conditions Conductors, capacitors, dielectrics, dielectric polarization, volume and surface charges, electrostatic energy, Magnetostatics, Biot­Savart law, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, Maxwell’s equations and static and time-varying equations, Poynting theorem Lorentz Force and motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields, energy and momentum of electromagnetic waves, radiation from a moving charge. Electromagnetic waves in free space, dielectrics, and conductors, Reflection and refraction, polarization, Fresnel’s Law, interference, coherence, and diffraction, Dia, Para and Ferromagnetism, Langevin’s theory of paramagnetism

Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic system – Path and Process – Zeroth law of Thermodynamics – Concept of Temperature – First law of Thermodynamics – Isothermal and Adiabatic Processes – Second law of Thermodynamics – Reversible and Irreversible processes – Carnot’s Engine – Thermodynamic Substance of Pure Substances – Kinetic Theory of gases – Law of Equipartition Energy – Ideal and Real Gases – Equation of State – Thermodynamic relation – T-ds relation – Maxwell’s Equation – Phase Transitions – Gibbs’s Phase Rule – Van’t Hoff’s Equation

Materials Chemistry: Atomic structure – Bohr’s theory – Exclusion principle – Hund’s rule – Afbau principle – Periodic law and arrangement of elements – Bonding structure – Ionic, Covalent, Metallic, Weak bonds- Acids and Bases- Chemical periodicity – Structure and bonding in homo- and heteronuclear molecules (VSEPR Theory) – Allotropes of carbon: graphite, diamond, C60. Synthesis and reactivity of inorganic polymers of Si and P – Hydrocarbons – IUPAC Nomenclature – Hybridization – Aromaticity – Huckel’s rule – Tautomerism – Stereochemistry – Electrochemistry – Electrochemical cells; standard electrode potentials: applications – corrosion and energy conversion

Biology And Health Sciences Anatomy: Cardiovascular System-Respiratory System-Excretory System. Physiology: Chemical composition of the body -Neurons & membrane potentials. Basic Cell Biology: Cell components- Cell membrane structure- DNA structure. Genetics: DNA replication transcription and translation-Bacteriology: Bacterial cell- structure and function. Virology: Bacteriophage-Microbes- Types. Common infectious diseases: Hepatitis, Malaria, HIV/ AIDS. Cancers: Types and Classification. Biochemistry: Amino acids- Carbohydrates Lipids. Immunology: components and response to foreign body

Electronics: Semiconductors: Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Fermi level, P-N junction diodes Bipolar junction transistors and its applications, field effect transistors, JFET, MOSFET, MESFET, MOSFET and CCD: Various structures and their functioning, I-V characteristic studies and applications, Transistor circuits in CE, CB, CC modes, Amplifier circuits with transistors-Operational amplifier and its applications: Inverting, non -inverting, adder, subtractor, differentiator, waveform generator, comparator, filters (LPF, BPF, HPF), Schmitt trigger, the 555 timer -Gates, flip flops, switches, registers, counters, multi-vibrators, principles of A/ D and D/ A converters, applications of A/ D and D/ A Converters, Regulators-CMOS process technology: silicon –semiconductor technology, wafer processing, oxidation, epitaxial, deposition, ion implantation, and diffusion, n-well CMOS process, p-well CMOS process, Twin tub CMOS process and silicon on insulator

MEMS/ NEMS: Top-down approach- front-end approach-MEMS materials-MEMS Fabrication Techniques: Bulk micromachining, Surface micromachining, Micro-molding processes, Non- lithography-based localized micromachining- Applications of MEMS/ NEMS- Mechanical Transducers: transduction methods, accelerometers, gyroscopes, pressure sensors-Design, Scaling Properties/ Issues- Chemical and Biological Transducers: chemical sensors, molecule-based biosensors, cell-based biosensors, chemical actuators, biological transducers, and electrophoresis- optical transducers- thermal transducers-magnetic transducers-RF transducers- Characterization of Micro/ Nano Electromagnetic Mechanical Systems.

SRMJEEE PG Syllabus 2024 Download Link

SRMJEEE PG Syllabus 2024 – Important Link
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SRMJEEE PG Syllabus 2024 – FAQs

How many questions will be asked in SRMJEEE PG Exam?

100 Questions will be asked in SRMJEEE PG Exam.

Are there any negative marks for SRMJEEE PG Exam?

No, there are no negative marks for SRMJEEE PG Exam.

How many marks will be given for SRMJEEE PG Exam?

1 mark will be given for each question in SRMJEEE PG Exam.