IIIT Hyderabad SPEC Syllabus 2024 & Exam Pattern

IIIT Hyderabad SPEC Syllabus

IIIT Hyderabad SPEC Syllabus 2024 & Exam Pattern : If you are planning to take part in the IIIT Hyderabad SPEC Entrance Exam, then you have landed on the right place to gather the information regarding the IIIT Hyderabad SPEC Exam Pattern and Syllabus. We have articulated this page with the details of the IIIT Hyderabad SPEC Entrance Exam Syllabus. Candidates to take up any entrance exam must have a clear knowledge of the syllabus and exam pattern.

And the Exam will be conducted in Physics, Maths, and Chemistry subjects for 60 minutes. Checking this whole page, candidates will get an idea about the IIIT Hyderabad SPEC Exam Syllabus. Also, we will be updating further updates on the IIIT Hyderabad SPEC Syllabus 2024 and Exam pattern duly on the official announcements, stick to this page to follow up on the IIIT Hyderabad SPEC Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2024 updates.

IIIT Hyderabad SPEC Syllabus 2024 – Overview

IIIT SPEC Syllabus 2024 & Exam Pattern
Name Of The Organization International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad
Name Of The Examination IIIT Hyderabad SPEC Entrance Exam
Courses  B.Tech
Type Of The Exam Entrance Exam
Category Entrance Exam Syllabus
Location  Hyderabad
Official Site  iiit.ac.in

IIIT Hyderabad SPEC Exam Pattern 2024

IIIT Hyderabad SPEC Exam is a Subject Proficiency Test (SUPR) for the selection of candidates. The marks of the IIIT Hyderabad SPEC Exam are not yet finalized by the officials. Once the official announcement, we will update the details on this page to alert the aspirants. Now, here follows an IIIT Hyderabad SPEC Entrance Exam Pattern which a candidate has to be aware of for better preparations.

IIIT Hyderabad SPEC Exam Pattern 
Mode of Exam Computer-Based Test
Exam Duration 60 minutes
Types of Questions Objective-Based Test  (MCQ)
Subject Names Physics, Maths, Chemistry

IIIT Hyderabad SPEC Exam Syllabus

The exam will test you on Subject Proficiency (SUPR). The syllabus is based on the 11th and 12th levels of Physics, Maths, and Chemistry (CBSE and most state syllabus). In this section, candidates can learn the topics involved in the IIIT Hyderabad SPEC Syllabus.

Physics Syllabus

  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Alternating currents
  • Amperes law
  • Biot-Savart law
  • Capacitors
  • Conductors
  • Coulombs law
  • Dielectric polarization
  • Dielectrics
  • Displacement current
  • Electric field and potential
  • Electrostatic boundary conditions
  • Electrostatic energy
  • Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction
  • Gauss’s law
  • Lorentz Force and motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields
  • Maxwell’s equations and plane electromagnetic waves
  • Poynting’s theorem
  • Reflection and refraction at a dielectric interface
  • Self and mutual inductance
  • Simple DC and AC circuits with R, L and C components
  • Solution of Laplace’s equation for simple cases
  • Transmission and reflection coefficients
  • Volume and surface charges
  • Kinetic Theory and Thermodynamics
  • Reversible, irreversible, and quasi-static processes
  • Carnot cycle
  • Elements of Kinetic theory of gases
  • First law and its consequences
  • Ideal gas
  • Isothermal and adiabatic processes
  • Laws of thermodynamics
  • Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations and simple applications
  • Mean free path
  • Phase transitions and Clausius-Clapeyron equation
  • Second law and entropy
  • Specific heat of Mono-, di- and tri-atomic gases
  • Thermodynamic potentials and their applications
  • Van-der-Waals gas and equation of state
  • Velocity distribution and Equipartition of energy
  • Zeroeth law and concept of thermal equilibrium
  • Oscillations, Waves, and Optics
  • Damped and forced oscillators
  • Differential equation for simple harmonic oscillator and its general solution
  • Diffraction gratings
  • Doppler Effect
  • Double refraction and optical rotation
  • Energy density and energy transmission in waves
  • Fermat’s Principle
  • Fraunhofer diffraction
  • General theory of image formation
  • Group velocity and phase velocity
  • Interference of light, optical path retardation
  • Linear, circular, and elliptic polarization
  • Rayleigh criterion and resolving power
  • Resonance
  • Sound waves in media
  • Superposition of two or more simple harmonic oscillators
  • Thick lens, thin lens, and lens combinations
  • Travelling and standing waves in one-dimension
  • Wave equation
  • Mechanics and General Properties of Matter
  • Bernoulli’s theorem
  • Capillarity
  • Centre of mass
  • Centrifugal and Coriolis forces
  • Conservation of energy
  • Conservation of linear and angular momentum
  • Conservative and non-conservative forces
  • Elastic and inelastic collisions
  • Elasticity
  • Equation of continuity
  • Equation of motion of the CM
  • Eulers equation
  • Gravitational Law and field
  • Hooke’s law and elastic constants of isotropic solidKeplers laws
  • Kinematics of moving fluids
  • Moments of Inertia and Products of Inertia
  • Motion under a central force
  • Newtons laws of motion and applications
  • Principal moments and axes
  • Rigid body motion, fixed axis rotations
  • Rotation and translation
  • Stress energy
  • Surface tension and surface energy
  • System of particles
  • Uniformly rotating frame
  • Variable mass systems
  • Velocity and acceleration in Cartesian, polar, and cylindrical coordinate systems
  • Viscous fluids
  • Solid State Physics, Devices, and Electronics
  • Crystal structure
  • Bravais lattices and basis
  • Miller indices
  • X-ray diffraction and Braggs law
  • Einstein and Debye theory of specific heat
  • Free electron theory of metals
  • Fermi energy and density of states
  • Origin of energy bands
  • Concept of holes and effective mass
  • Elementary ideas about dia-, para- and ferromagnetism
  • Langevin’s theory of paramagnetism
  • Curies law
  • Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors
  • Fermi level
  • OR, AND, NOR, and NAND gatesTransistors
  • P-N junctions
  • Amplifier circuits with transistors
  • Transistor circuits in CB, CE, and CC modes
  • Operational amplifiers

Maths Syllabus

  • Ratio Proportion
  • Linear Equations
  • Basic Geometry
  • Quick Calculations
  • Properties of Numbers
  • Average
  • Percentages

Chemistry Syllabus

  • Some basic concepts of chemistry
  • The p-Block Elements
  • The d and f Block Elements
  • Coordination Compounds
  • Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
  • Thermodynamics
  • Equilibrium
  • Redox reactions
  • The Solid State Solutions
  • Electrochemistry
  • Chemical Kinetics
  • Structure of atom
  • Classification of elements & periodicity in properties
  • Chemical bonding and molecular structure
  • States of Matter
  • Surface Chemistry
  • General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

Keep checking our site @ Exams.freshersnow.com for all the latest news about the IIIT Hyderabad SPEC Syllabus.

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