Best Books For WBJEE ANM & GNM 2025 Preparation: Looking for Best Books for WB ANM GNM 2025? Here you are. You will be getting the exact list of books that you are looking for. Consider taking notes and do not miss any section of the article. In order to ace your preparation, you need to make sure that you have gathered the right set of books. Alongside you should also make sure that you are putting up with your practice on a regular basis.
Best Books To Prepare For WBJEE ANM & GNM 2025
We are not just going to look at the list randomly. But for convenient note-taking/reading, you will find that this section is categorized in accordance with the subjects.
- General English for All Competitive Examinations
- Objective General English
- Wren & Martin High School English Grammar And Composition Book
- NCERT Exemplar Problems-Solutions MATHEMATICS class 10th
- Mathematics For Class 10 By R D Sharma
General Knowledge
- General Knowledge
- Lucent’s GK
Logical Reasoning
- How to Crack Test Of Reasoning
- Objective Logical Reasoning
- A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning
This section of the article will give you a very easy navigated list of books for WBJEE 2025-
WBJEE ANM & GNM Best Books for Chemistry
- NCERT Chemistry (Best Recommended Book for WBJEE)
- Physical Chemistry (For Practice)- O.P. Tandon
- Inorganic Chemistry (For Theory and Practice)- O.P. Tandon
- Organic Chemistry (For Theory and Mechanism)- Arihant Publication
- Organic Chemistry- Morrison & Boyd
- Dinesh Chemistry- Dinesh
- Concise Inorganic Chemistry- J. D. LEE
- Handbook of Chemistry- R.P. Singh
- Numerical Chemistry- P. Bahadur
- Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations- R.C. Mukherjee
WB ANM & GNM 2025 Best Books for Physics
- NCERT (Class 11th and 12th) (For Theory Only)
- Understanding Physics Series ( For Practice Only)- DC Pandey
- Concept of Competition Physics for CBSE PMT- Aggarwals
- Fundamental of Physics- V. K. Mehta
- Principles of Physics- Resnick, Halliday, and Walker
- Problems in General Physics- I. E. Irodov
- Objective Physics Vol 1 Or 2- DC Pandey and Arihant team
- Concept Of Physics (For Theory and Practice)- H. C. Verma
- A Problem Book in Physics for IIT JEE- D.C. Pandey
West Bengal ANM & GNM Books For Mathematics
- NCERT Mathematics (class 11thand 12th)
- Mathematics- R.S.Agrawal
- Algebra (Overall Reference)- R.D Sharma
- Calculus- I. A. Maron
- Objective Mathematics- R.D Sharma
- Degree level Differential Calculus- A Das Gupta
- Higher Algebra (Coordinate geometry)- Hall & Knight (Arihant)
- Problems Plus In IIT Mathematics- A Dasgupta
- Algebra- S. K. Goyal (Arihant)
- Integral Calculus- Amit Aggarwal (Arihant)
- Trigonometry- S. L. Loney (Arihant)
- Algebra- Arihant
- Vector- Shanti Nayaran
- IIT Mathematics- M. L. Khanna
- Trigonometry- S. L. Loney
- Problems in Calculus of One Variable- I. A. Maron
- Geometry- Dr. Gorakh Prasad
- Differential Calculus- Arihant
- Integral Calculus- Arihant
- Introduction Probability & Its Application- W. Feller
- Higher Algebra- Barnard and Child
- A problem book in mathematical Analysis- G. N. Berman
- Higher Algebra 4th Edition- Hall and Knight
- Course in Mathematics for IIT-JEE- TMH Publication
- Calculus and Analytic Geometry- Thomas and Finney
WBJEE ANM & GNM Biology Books
- NCERT Biology for Class 11th and 12th
- Pradeep’s Objective Biology- Pradeep Publications
- Truman’s Biology for Class 11th and 12th- Trueman Publishers
- Botany (Oxford Publication)- AC Dutta
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